About Us

SS3 (Soul Searchers 3) was officially founded on the 26/09/2020 by Andrea. Andrea had been doing this for many years before hand and has had spirits around her for over 25 years. The team grew to 3 with Ryder, my partner and Vicki, my very close friend. We would do communications with spirits that wanted to communicate with us. This was all private though. On the 26th of September 2020 we decided to become public, sharing our investigations and communications. The team then grew to 5 with my son, Sam and Charlotte, a lifetime friend.

Follow our journeys of investigations of haunted houses, buildings, land and abandoned buildings. See us communicate and do sessions with haunted dolls and do some Randonauting from time time. We are a genuine team and won't post anything fake. We ask our followers what they think to any findings we come across from dark shadows seen to voices or sounds. We debunk sounds and movement for natural sounds in our surroundings. There maybe times we can go to known haunted places but nothing happens and we get no activity, this can be normal as spirits don't always want to communicate. If this happens we may still share footage of our adventures. Sometimes we might even live stream from YouTube or our Facebook page. Be sure to subscribe and like us on YouTube and FB. The links are at the bottom of this page. You can also follow us on Twitter and instagram. Sharing the links to these helps us get more followers and supporters.


Come Join us and look through our website. If you have any genuine footage or photos then please send them us and we will post them up on our followers page.

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